- 8482.10 Ball bearings
Current rate: 9.6% (until Auguslt 31, 2010)
--> 4.1% (from September 01, 2010 until August 31, 2011) - 8482.20 Tapered roller bearings
Current rate: 9.6% (until August 31, 2010)
--> 4.1% (from September 01, 2010 until August 31, 2011)
Background of Halt of Distribution under the Byrd Amendment (quoted from METI web site)
Japan took countermeasures against the U.S. in September 2005. The U.S. repealed the Byrd Amendment in February 2006. However, since the distribution of duties will be continued under the transitional clause, Japan urged the U.S. to halt the distribution and extended the validity of the countermeasures. As the U.S. had still not yet suspended the distribution, Japan further extended the validity of the countermeasures by one year in September 2008, following its alternation of commodity items and duty rates. Moreover, since the distribution under the transitional clause still continued in 2008, Japan further extended the validity of countermeasures by one year in September 2009, following its alternation of duty rates.
Cabinet decision was made on August 10 and it made this countermeasure official, according to MOF Press Release http://www.mof.go.jp//jouhou/kanzei/ka220810.htm )
(Source: http://www.meti.go.jp/press/20100806008/20100806008.html )
(Details of Background of Halt of Distribution under the Byrd Amendment: page 17 - 18 of http://www.meti.go.jp/english/report/downloadfiles/2010WTO/2010priority.pdf )
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