
First Round of Negotiations for RCEP

On May 2nd, MOFA and METI jointly announced the first round of negotiations for Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership ("RCEP") will be held in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, from May 9 to 13.

In this round of negotiations, the meetings of the Trade Negotiating Committee, in which senior officials will participate, and of working groups concerning issues such as Trade in Goods, Trade in Services and Investment are scheduled to be held, and the scope and method of negotiations, amongst others, will be discussed.

(Updated on May 14)
The first round of negotiation of RCEP was held as scheduled.
In this round of negotiations, the scope and method of negotiations, amongst others, were discussed.

The next round of negotiations will be held in Australia between September 24 and 27.


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