
Approved Exporter in Japan-Swiss EPA

Japan and Swiss reached agreement in principle in EPA according to Japanese government adjournment on Sept 29. The 99% of trade amount for both countries will be zero customs duty in 10 years after its implementation. It is good thing.

As a first EPA for Japan to European countries, there is one unique and new provision in it.

It is proof of origin when traders claim preferential tariff. A new framework will be provided for an origin declaration by an approved exporter. Although for Japan this framework is a new system, it is common system in European communities. An approved exporter is an exporter who has met certain conditions imposed by the customs authorities and who is allowed to make out invoice declarations. Declaration on certain commercial documents such as invoice can replace the specific country of origin. This is subject to prior authorization by the customs authorities granted to approved exporters. Just as the customs authorities can grant that status, they can also withdraw it if the exporter misuses or abuses the authorities. As for relevant authorities in each country, Swiss customs will take care in Swiss side and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (“METI”) will take care of Japan side.

(Source: Page 11 in http://www.mof.go.jp/singikai/kanzegaita/siryou/kana200930/kana200930b.pdf)
(Reference for Approved Exporter in EU: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/customs_duties/rules_origin/customs_unions/article_774_en.htm#approved_exporter)

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