
The End User List updated

Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry ("METI") announced on May 1, 2009 that they updated "The End User List" (or Foreign User List), which is WMD activity concerned entities list. As general practice, this list is updated annually around May or June every year.

In the updated list, the number of entities increased by 21, most of them are in Iran and in North Korea, and making it total number of entities 244. There are no deletion of entities.
The list is available in following METI web site in pdf and MS-Excel format.

(Overview of The End User List)
The End User List is a list of foreign entity who are considered to have relations with development, production, manufacturing or storage of WMD. Exporters are required to file export license applications when they wish to export goods subject to the WMD Catch-all control to entities on the End User List, unless it is apparent that those will not be used for WMD purpose.
Please be noted this list is not an embargo list. It is allowed to export when the goods/technologies are apparently not related to WMD purpose.

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