
Malaysia Export Controls

More update of Malaysia Export Controls regulation development.
[Thanks to my friend in Singapore, Jason, for providing this information.]

The new Malaysia export control/transshipment law, which passed the Malaysian Parliament on April 5 of this year.

Called the Strategic Trade Act, the legislation "provides for control over the export, transshipment, transit and brokering of strategic items, including arms and related material, and other activities that will or may facilitate the design, development and production of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems...." The Act does not specifically identify the goods and technology which are considered strategic, though this term may span the EU list.

The Act also requires permitting for shipments of non-strategic or "unlisted" items to restricted end-users, and denies shipments to prohibited end users. Other provisions of the legislation call for extraterritorial enforcement, imposition of substantial penalties for non-compliance, record-keeping requirements, and potential for exemptions. The Malaysian Ministry of International Trade and Industry is now working on regulations to implement the legislation that will be published in the Gazette at some point.


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